"Their capacity to appropriately mix technology, education and humor, while also carefully listening to and being responsive and flexible in addressing community concerns, resulted in a unanimously adopted Housing Element that was quickly certified by the State.”

- Mike Moore, Former Planning and Building Director, City of Mill Valley

City of Mill Valley

Housing Element Update (2009-2014 and 2015-2023) and Code Changes

2014 APA California Northern Section AWARD OF MERIT - Comprehensive Plan Small Jurisdiction, Mill Valley 2040 General Plan

As part of Mill Valley’s award-winning General Plan headed by Wallace Roberts Todd, LLC, M-Group prepared the City's 5th cycle 2015-2023 Housing Element. This update includes the implementation of programs from the 2009-2014 Housing Element Update in order to qualify for a Streamlined Review of the draft document. One of the housing programs established in the Element was to re-evaluate key parameters of the City’s inclusionary housing ordinance to enhance its effectiveness. Full adoption and certification by HCD was set in January 2015.

Previously, M-Group prepared Mill Valley's 2009-2014 Housing Element within the context of a comprehensive update to the City's General Plan. The process involved extensive public participation and consensus building, resulting in the creation of a Housing Element supported by the greater community and its stakeholders. The Housing Element was focused on ways to facilitate development on infill sites through improved standards and procedures. The Housing Element Update for the 2009-2014 was successfully adopted and certified by HCD.