City of petaluma

general plan update community engagement

Our team of planners, working as the in-house Planning Division in the City of Petaluma, is in the process of facilitating a landmark General Plan Update process for the City. The complex and impactful nature of this work, and the highly engaged community in Petaluma, has led to a far-reaching and innovative approach to engagement of the community as well as teams of technical experts. Generally, the goals of this work are to ensure that every community member with the desire to do so can understand and engage meaningfully in the planning process, and that the results of the engagement inform thoughtful leadership in the technical planning materials.

M-Group staff convened and serve as liaisons to the General Plan Advisory Committee, manage a General Plan consulting team and their outreach work, and have facilitated visits from both the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and an AIA Sustainable Design Assessment Team. We also work with the community in meetings online and in person, develop Citywide digital communications, ensure real-time meeting interpretation is available in Spanish, partner with community groups facilitating outreach, and are constantly innovating to expand accessibility and community participation in this work.